Welcome To K.B.R
K.S.R. Memorial Charitable Trust for Rural Devewlopment (Regd)
was established in the year 1995 under charibable and institutional trst Act XXI of 1920
its Registration No. 29/95 Dated 7 August 1995.
The Trust also Registered in its Socio, Economic, Educational, Cultural, Health
welfare programmes with a Hon'ble Ministry of Home affairs, Govt. of India, New Delhi, under "F.C.R. ACT 1976 vide No. 0102200076. Trust is associated with ANGO's New
Delhi, TRINGO Hyderabad. Bharat Sevak Samaj, Chennai, Red Cross Society, Hyderabad, Regional Director, NCTE, SRC Banglore/H.Q. New Delhi. Director of Para Medical Board, Hyderabad. The Registrar V.S. University, Nellore, Director of S.C.E.R.T./ D.E.O. Nellore Asst. Director Disable welfare, Nellore, Project Officer ITDA, Project Director W.C.D. Central Govt. / State Govt. for overall Develop, Co-ordination, main- tain Manage, Service, Help, Start, Establish, conduct or take over any institution for the ukpliftment poorer sections In A.P., T.S., West Bengal, Orissa, Tamilnadu, Bihar, Jharkhand etc.
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